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domingo, 6 de enero de 2013


[2013.01.06] The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) By Burwell Carter

Track List:
1. Twilight Overture
2. A World Bright and Buzzing
3. The Lamb Hunts
4. Meet Renesmee
5. Here Goes Nothing
6. Sparkles At Last
7. Catching Snowflakes
8. The Immortal Children
9. Merchant of Venice
10. Into The White
11. Renesmee's Lullaby / Something Terrible
12. A Way With The World
13. The Amazon Arrives
14. A Yankee Vampire
15. Cloud Forest
16. Witnesses
17. We Will Fight
18. Shield Training
19. At Bedtime A Child Asks About Death
20. Decoding Alice
21. The Driving Question
22. Present Time
23. This Extraordinary Life
24. Gathering In Snow
25. She Is Not Immortal
26. Reading Edward27. Magnifica
28. Irina Loses Her Head
29. Aro's Oration
30. A Kick In The Head
31. Exacueret Nostri Dentes in Filia
32. Chasing Renesmee
33. A Crack In The Earth
34. Aro's End
35. That's Your Future
36. Such A Prize
Pedido especial para una Fans.

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